
Dining Gift Voucher

Gift an unforgettable dining experiences to your loved ones!

In addition to offering sumptuous culinary choices, we provide the highest standards of services in a pleasant, sophisticated atmosphere. The charming and elegant interiors of The Orangery by Sapna act as the perfect backdrop for an intimate and cozy experience or a romantic dinner.

Vouchers may be used for lunch or dinner only. Restaurant hours: 12.30pm to 10.30pm every Tuesday - Sunday. Please reserve your table at The Orangery By Sapna & enjoy the authentic food experience.

This voucher is valid for 6 months after purchase.



Dining Gift Voucher at The Orangery by Sapna gift voucher packaging

Packaging and delivery

Your voucher has been beautifully designed, ready to be printed from your printer at home. Your voucher will be emailed to you or directly to the recipient, and can be presented on a smartphone to be redeemed.